There are so many ways that writers can fall into the unproductive habits. These habits can create a lack of productivity and success for writers.
Yet, all writers can fall into these productivity busters once in a while. However, knowledge is power. Therefore, if we are aware of these productivity busters, we can avoid a lot of difficulty for ourselves in the long run.
The ten productivity busters are as follows:
1. No big-picture vision
If you don't have a vision for what you want and where you're headed in your writing life, it will be impossible for you to set realistic goals and measure your progress and productivity along the way.
2. No short-term goals
You can't hit a target that you can't see. Knowing your daily, weekly, monthly, and annual goals (both practical and aspirational) can help ensure that you keep moving in the right direction.
3. Fear
Risk is the hinge on which productivity turns. If you are in danger of failing, you are not likely growing. When we let fear prevent us from taking steps that could bring our writing goals and dreams closer, we clamp down on our possibilities and limit our opportunities to succeed.
4. Doing the wrong task at the wrong time
Understanding your own writing rhythms and honoring them is the key to finding and sustaining a flow that you can count on. For example, I have been writing in the morning for over 25 years. When I try writing in the evening or the late afternoon, it just doesn't work for me. However, reading, researching and doing promotional stuff really work for me.
5. Shabby systems
If you can't find the latest draft of your manuscript, don't remember what you've pitched and to whom, can't keep track of the great ideas you're having, and have no system for archiving, measuring, repeating, an building on success, this is likely to limit your performance, satisfaction and results.
6. Lack of creativity and consciousness about time
If you're not aware of how you're spending time, what your time is worth, how you might source more writing hours from the life you're living now, or what you intend to accomplish in each chunk of writing time you do have, you ae not getting the best value for your time.
7. Transition turbulence
Without solid systems and established rhythms for sitting down to the blank page, completing a writing session, or generally navigating the unbounded freedom of being responsible for our own motivation and performance, we are likely to have rough transitions that can limit our productivity and discourage us from even attempting to get started.
8. Perfectionism
If you wait for your work to be perfect, it may never leave your desk. If you focus, instead, on professionalism - doing the best that you can, committing to lean along the way, and understanding that mistakes and failures are the nurse logs that feed every success, you can steadily improve without that albatross of the impossible weighing you down.
9. Isolation
Writers need other people to learn with and from. We need a context in which to understand and appreciate the work we are doing. We need role models whose accomplishments we can aspire to, colleagues we can conspire with, and business partners who can collaborate with us to bring our work forward. Without a social, professional and community context, we are far more likely to get discouraged, lose our way, and miss out on opportunities for greater pleasure, prosperity and productivity.
10. Neglecting to celebrate and be grateful
It's easy to focus on the negative in writing and in life. There is certainly plenty opportunity to do so. But when we instead turn our attention to what's working and what we appreciate from moment to moment, something surprising happens-our sails turn into the wind.
By keeping these productivity busters in mind, you can be the most successful writer and you can be productive and gain self-confidence. Now that is a winning combination for success and peace of mind.
Irene S. Roth writes for teens, tweens, and kids about self-empowerment. She is the author of over thirty-five books and over five hundred online articles. She also has four hundred and sixty published book reviews both online and in print. For more writing tips, please visit her website at In addition, she just published book about the joyous writer. Please double click on this link.
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